Walking With Time: 2020 Case Study Of How Numbers Work #5thdimension #energy

So…. Numbers don’t work.
see articles: swiss watch, numbers give anxiety

I mean they work in the ‘human’ world but not basically anywhere else.

We actually got our counting system from ancient sumeria (present day Iraq). Those guys counted their hands and worked with the night sky to make up the clock: 12pm to 12am.

You can find that youtube clip explaining how. Warning; you’ll be glued to the screen. But it’s SO GOOD.

Or you can go watch the disaster called Bridgerton on Netflix, up to you.

Now that I’m done playing – I dived into this thing called numerology in 2020 since time and space totally changed with the pandemic and intuitively I felt like spiritual energies had changed (they had, it’s called the fifth dimension explained here)

We need numbers to count, to play, to spend, to feel something, to feel in ‘control’.
But when you’re deeply energetic people can’t keep up and they don’t want to.

And when you’re deeply spiritual manifesting whatever your heart is set on and is different to reality, you see …. More interesting things.

Feathers. Coins. Repeating numbers. Synchronicities are happening. I know when I first had this experience I was low key freaking out. Something was happening beyond the physical world and it was telling me something.

I went to support groups and found out I wasn’t alone (or ever). We think things vanish when we stop needing them – they simply don’t announce their presence. Like in this post: p.s. I love you & prayers+answers of the heart

People mentioned getting a white feather INSIDE a house; a girlfriend mentioned getting so many repeating numbers it was like she was in another world. (I mention her here) Me and another girlfriend somehow had personal hand delivered crystal presents by a postman and a shop owner.
I vividly remember my postman driving into my driveway just outside the garage and handing over the parcel – freaky and cool.

also something to keep in mind: we did not invent electricity. But it’s there. Nice and frizzy and fast and powerful and needed.

We live in a beautiful world that has tons and tons and tons of hidden powers and what I write is nothing special but what I experience is unique.

I’ve been to a couple of interviews now for jobs in the trust that I was in flow – no actual rush, I assumed I’d come to my destination with the right transport and transits. But I wasn’t leaning heavily on the actual clock like I used to.

But I am leaning more on weather patterns, season changes and pulls from the sun and moon. It’s all we’ve ever actually had; the industrial revolution and introduction of the awesome trains completely changed our human brains.

Spiritual channelling has said time is perceptual. Since the clock has been invented and I’ve seen plants sprout with temperature and light, not with the time – I put the affirmation into my notes for later reflection.

It’s useful to have a nice piece of info that reflects back on you what life is actually about so that you can refocus, de-stress and get perspective. So useful.

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