Cycle Breaking and Getting Support This Season #familyinchrist #seasonofpreparation #christianblog #cyclebreaker

A couple of interesting things happened this season (last 4 months) since moving out and de-fluffing from living with stuff I didnt need

– I forgave the shortcomings of men in my life. Shook off new age practices as instructed. Relaxed right into my feminine.

Read scripture daily if not every 2 days. Entered church like it was my job to rock up every week. It came by recommendation and I felt welcomed into it.

Connected with everyone.

Realized I had inherited a “chip” on my shoulder because I had assumed isolation as part of the job of being cycle breaker… that got cancelled because to break through habits and patterns takes a whole city of christians worship leaders and deliverance ministers.

brothers and sisters with similar stories and moral support.

And a super handsome dude with a kind heart to break it all to you.

In the middle of this progress I noticed how much wrongness I had inherited and how much I was being butt slapped into forward momentum.

healthy partnership
slowing the heck down
not discrediting myself just to fit in
verbalizing my mind

And now I have a different story: knowing how to fight with The Word and not The World –

challenging myself not to overcommit to spiritual activities but enjoy something every day.

That’s basically it. And I have morning parties at the woolworths metro close to my place because the speakers blast the good stuff. thank you God.

And in real evangelist news, over 14 people received Jesus right in the heart of sydney on friday night and I watched what had happened.

Three christian couples were also made on the same spot over the last few weeks – spring has sprung. I pray that our seniors receive the equal type of companionship, compatibility and a home… because they still want to party.

Excuse me while I run after my sandals to cope with the sudden heat – and fold the laundry first.

Vlog: Last 3 Months In a Nutshell.

Love you x your favourite mindset coach

p.s. talking the magnet topics soon on stories + how I got here. All questions welcome 


pp.s. that’s my selfie demonstrating to a girlfriend in Switzerland how I was sitting down listening to her audio clips. 



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