Britney Spears, Green Day And Surrendering To Jesus #housesitting #transmuting #christianblog #churchboyfriend

Wow. Did not expect to be crying over a guy and feeling like I was losing contact from him – right after undergoing transformations from May to July and frankly its not stopping. But that’s what's happened. I have at least 2 songs that won’t leave my head and frankly they feel so good to … Continue reading Britney Spears, Green Day And Surrendering To Jesus #housesitting #transmuting #christianblog #churchboyfriend

Very Public Love Letter For Those Struggling #prayingpowerfully #youhavealreadywon #christianblog #narcabusesurvivor

Once upon a time I told stepdad my concerns over mum who was losing her true self due to depression and bipolar disorder. And he said, whatever happens know that I love you. Ugh writing this I feel like crying but here’s the thing. I had no idea what he meant back then. I was stumped, spiritually. … Continue reading Very Public Love Letter For Those Struggling #prayingpowerfully #youhavealreadywon #christianblog #narcabusesurvivor